Company data

Brennerei Rochelt GmbH
Innstraße 2
6122 Fritzens
Tel: +43 5224 52 4 62
Fax: +43 5224 52 4 62 20

Bank details

Bank: Bank Austria
Account: Brennerei Rochelt GmbH
IBAN: AT57 1100 0038 9587 8100

Represented by the Managing Partner
Mag.rer.soc.oec. Alexander Rainer

Companies’ Register Number: FN 186541A
Place of jurisdiction: Regional Court of Innsbruck (Landesgericht Innsbruck)

Value-added tax identification number (UID no.): ATU 48 17 69 04
EORI number: ATEOS 100 000 7220

Excise duty numbers
Warehouse: ATV 00 8026 5100
Bonded distillery: ATV 00 8026 5208
Tax warehousekeeper: ATV 10 0046 0002

© Brennerei Rochelt GmbH. All rights reserved, in particular the right of reproduction and distribution. No part of this website may be reproduced or processed, duplicated or distributed by using electronic systems, without the written consent of the authors.


As a user of our website you will find in this data protection declaration all necessary information on how, to what extent as well as to what purpose we or third party providers collect data relating to you and use it. Your data is strictly collected and used in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law (Datenschutzgesetz, DSG) and the Telecommunication Law (Telekommunikationsgesetz, TKG). We are particularly committed to the confidentiality of your personal data and therefore work strictly within the limits set by the legal provisions. The collection of this personal data is made on a voluntary basis, if this is possible for us. Also, we will transmit data to third parties only with your express consent. In the case of particularly confidential data, such as with payment transactions or with regard to your requests to us, we ensure high security by using SSL encryption. However, we do not want to miss the opportunity here to point out the general dangers of internet usage which we do not have any influence on. Particularly in e-mail traffic your data is not safe without employing any further precautions and may under certain circumstances be recorded by third parties.


You will obtain information at any time and free of charge on the personal data stored by us regarding your person as well as on the origin, the recipient and the purpose of data collection and data processing. Furthermore, you have the right to request that your data is corrected, blocked or deleted. This does not apply to data which is stored due to legal provisions or which is needed for duly conducting business transactions. In order to be able to block the data at any time, the data is retained for control purposes in a lock file. If the data is not covered by a legal obligation to archive, we will delete your data upon your request. If the obligation to archive takes effect, we will block your data. For all questions and concerns regarding the correction, blocking or deletion of personal data, please contact our data protection officer under the contact data in this data protection declaration or, respectively, under the address mentioned in the imprint.


If you want to use the fee-based services offered on our website, we may need to collect further data from you for billing purposes and for reasons of security. This usually relates to your name, a valid e-mail-address and, if necessary, also your address and your telephone number as well as to further information depending on the individual case. It may also be about contents that allow us to verify the data provided such as your ownership regarding the e-mail address provided. For legal reasons, we must ensure that you really want to receive the services offered and that we may duly invoice the services to you. For payment transactions we use the encryption standard SSL to secure your data, this is recognizable by the browser line “https://”.


The range of services on our website may also include contents and services offered by other suppliers that complement our range of services. Examples for such offers are maps from Google Maps, YouTube videos or graphic representations of third parties. Calling these services from1 third parties requires the regular transmission of your IP address. As a result it is possible for suppliers to see your user IP address and also to store it. We make every effort to only include such third-party suppliers that use IP addresses solely for delivering the contents. However, we have no influence on which third-party supplier may store your IP address. This storage may serve statistical purposes, for example. Should we become aware of storage operations by third-party suppliers, we will immediately inform our users thereon. In this context, please also note the special data protection declarations concerning individual third-party suppliers and service providers whose services we use on our website. You also find them in this data protection declaration.

1Annotation of the translator: The German text that says “Leistungen von dritter Seite” is ambiguous. This formulation may signify “services from third parties” or “services by third parties”.


We collect personal data in compliance with data avoidance and data minimisation only to the extent and as long as it is necessary for using our website or it is required by law. We take the protection of your personal data serious and will adhere strictly to the respective legal provisions and to this data protection declaration when collecting and processing personal data. If the purpose of data collection ceases to apply or if the end of the legal storage period is reached, the data collected will be blocked or deleted. Our website may be used on a regular basis without the transfer of personal data. If we collect personal data – such as your name, your address or your e-mail-address –, this data collection is carried out on a voluntary basis. This data will not be made known to third parties without your explicit consent. Please note that data on the internet is, in general, not always transmitted securely. Particularly in e-mail traffic the protection during data exchange cannot be guaranteed.


Server log files are anonymized data that is collected when you access our website. This information does not allow for any conclusions to be drawn on you personally, however, for technical purposes, it is indispensable for the delivery and presentation of our contents. Furthermore, it serves our statistics and the continuous optimisation of our contents. Typical log files are the date and time of access, the amount of data, the browser used for access and its version, the operating system used, the domain name of the provider assigned by you, the page from which you reached our range of services (referrer URL) and your IP address. Log files also allow for a detailed examination in case an illegal use of our website is suspected.

This data protection declaration was created by

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